Monday, January 14, 2013

When the muse speaks...listen

Blame it on one of my Facebook friends but as soon as I saw this picture I knew a character (inspiration) was born!  A little over a week later he became a muse for my recent upcoming novella:  Love on a Budget.  A story can't live on a gorgeous character alone (but it's a good start).  I was having a conversation with a guy from L.A. and he talked about the influence of reality show divas on some women.  He was talking with a young lady who said she was looking for her "Kroy" (of the Real Housewives of Atlanta). In other words, she was looking for her sugar daddy (sigh).  So it got me to thinking of the common theme of love and money.  What if:
  • You met a great guy
  • He was strikingly handsome
  • He was a little rough around the edges
  • He was living with his mother
  • He was financially challenged
  • His main transportation was a red truck with the words "Honey-Do-4-Hire" painted on the sides

Would you or any of your girls take a chance?  Sometimes God sends a "diamond-in-the-rough".  But there's a difference between potential with a purpose and plain old trifling.  A man's ability to take care of home is important but sometimes we have to be open to a man working his plan!  Meet my character inspiration for Love on a Budget - a novella coming February 2013! Jake Jiles honored his Dad's wish to finish his education. Never a suit and tie guy, he quits his corporate job to start his business Honey-Do-4-Hire. To make it work he's moved back home and traded his BMW for a truck. Jake's in a financially challenged season.  Nevertheless, cupid decides this is the time to deliver a potential life mate. Will there be romance without the finance? Will he and his potential dream lady find the courage to love in hard times? Will her girls talk her in to or out of a possible happily-ever-after? 

Read Love on a Budget, Book I in the "Real Love" series to find out!  

Alpharetta, Ga
Wedding Date: April 10, 2010
 Location: Ray’s Killer Creek

How did you and your husband meet? At work.
How did you know you’d met the one? Sheila: I can’t explain it but the first day we met and we shook hands, there was a shock transferred from him to me. I am convinced it was GOD letting me know that my prayers had been answered and he was the husband that I had been praying for.  David:  (I) prayed about it.

What was the most memorable thing about your wedding day?  David: Beautiful weather and spirit in the atmosphere.  Sheila: We were blessed to have so many friends to share in our special moment.

What is the key to the success in your relationship?  David: Keeping God and His word first and foremost.  Sheila: Honesty and trusting Him and each other.

What is it that you love most about each other? Sheila: I love the fact that he is and wants to be the provider and also that he loves the lord.  I also, love the fact that he is a GREAT cook.  David: Her energy and her spirit when she truly lets her guard down.  (The Brunch Ladies: A man who cooks?  We’re all about it!)

What role does God play in your daily lives?  David: He is first and who I rest everything on.  Sheila: He plays a huge role in our lives, we rely on Him with every decision and every problem that we have.  (The Brunch Ladies: Amen!)

Share one of your fondest memories in your relationship so far.   David: Thanksgiving, for me.  Sheila: It was our trip to Playa Mujeres, Mexico; we had such a great time just relaxing and talking to one another.

Do you believe God is still in the marriage business?  Explain.  David: Always.  It is when we are not willing to do what it takes according to God’s word that causes the problems.  Sheila: I definitely believe that GOD is still in the marriage business, He does not want us to be alone that is why He created Eve for Adam, but what He wants us to do is come to Him and spend time with Him before making any decisions about the individual that we have chosen to spend the rest of our life with.  God already knows who He has charged to seek us out and unite with us in holy matrimony.  I thank GOD that He allowed me to get it right the second time and He has blessed me with one of His soldiers. (The Brunch Ladies – PREACH!!!! The doors of the church are open!)

What do you look forward to as a couple?  David: Growing stronger in the Lord.   Sheila: Growing old together and hopefully we will have some grand kids one day that we can love on and spoil since we don’t have any small children in the house.

What is beautiful about your spouse:  David: Her smile.  Sheila: His confidence and love for Lord. (The Brunch Ladies – nothing like a man who is confident and loves the Lord – get it, confident NOT cocky!).

If the spirit leads, please share a testimony you may believe will bless other women, men or couples.  Sheila: I would just like to say to those that are single and feel like GOD has forgotten about you, please don’t believe that He is just waiting for you to seek him for guidance and answers.  Once you take your request to Him trust me, He will bless you more than you would have ever imagined.  Exactly two months prior to me meeting my husband I was engaged to someone else and I thought that I had it all figured out and was planning to spend the rest of my life with this person.  Well I moved to be with him thinking that we were going to be planning or future together but little did I know that GOD had other plans.  You see GOD began to reveal all the things about him that he had been hiding from me and needless to say I was disappointed and unhappy.  I started to spend more time with GOD and writing down my every thought and prayer request and within 3 weeks GOD had revealed to me where I needed to be and he assured me that everything would be OK.  Well long story short when I returned back to Atlanta, GA on October 9, 2009, I had no idea that in exactly one month later, November 9, 2009 that I would meet the man of my dreams. The rest is history in less than 6 months we stood before the eyes of GOD and all those that love us and vowed to spend he rest of our lives together.  I thank Him everyday for blessing me with such a wonderful and loving husband.

Engagement and wedding pictures - Jerome Osborne at

Thank you to David and Sheila for sharing. We wish you many years of favor and blessings…The Brunch Ladies.