Sunday, September 30, 2012

Too Good to Keep to Myself!

So, I can’t take credit for this post, at least not all of it. Only the whiny, “God I have a bone to pick with you and I don’t really feel like going to church,” part. So, here it goes.  I was riding up I-10 on my way to Lakewood (Church). I definitely had my “come as you are” uniform on (jeans, top, boots – shame on me). So on the way I started to “have a little talk with Jesus” moment. But guess who was doing all the talking? Me. It started off sort of like, “God, you know this vision you gave me? Well, I need this and that, and aren’t you supposed to do a, b & c so I can get on with your program?”

The rest of it went something like, “Whine, whine, complain, frustrated…blah, blah, blah!” You get my point. But God, in His usual cool fashion let me vent. He didn’t say much…until I got to church. We went into worship, it was good. Hands up, singing, I’m into it. Then Pastor Joel began to preach. You know one of those “This one is especially for you Norma Jarrett” sermons. Not really, but you get my point.

So the primary message was about staying in the game. Pastor Joel said specifically: Sometimes in life you have to play through the pain…sometimes you have to show up even though…

  • You don’t feel like it
  • You’d rather be at home watching the Texans
  • You are hurting
  • You are grieving
  • You are frustrated
  • You are disappointed
He was all up in my seat with the microphone in my face (not really, and besides I don’t think Victoria Osteen would appreciate all that). Then he talked about a young man he used to see in church all the time. He was upbeat and fully participating in worship with hands raised. Pastor Joel had no idea this man had been in Dialysis treatment for over twelve years. He was younger than Pastor Joel!  One Sunday this same man came up for prayer. Pastor Joel noticed one of his arms was red as a beet from his treatment. Then He realized just how much pain this man had been in.  However, in spite of this pain, he raised his hands in worship every Sunday with an expectant heart.

The next time the man came up for prayer, he brought another person with him.  He told Pastor Joel the man was going to donate a kidney.  Shortly after, he had the surgery it was successful. This man no longer had to go to Dialysis and had no more pain! What was Pastor Joel saying? In this life sometimes you have to “play through your pain”.  This man didn't have the ideal circumstances but was more faithful than some people with two good arms and perfect health. (Ouch!)  I'm sure he had his days but he was consistent.  Because of his attitude and obedience, "God turned his scars into stars!"

We have all have pain in this life. Hurts, disappointments, unfair outcomes...but we have to "play through our pain!" God does not promise a one time Ephesians 3:20 blessing! For as long as we live we should expect Him to show up. But WE have to do our part. We have to continue to walk, work, pray, keep a good attitude, show up and press beyond the circumstances.

Pastor Joel told of another man that had major surgery but insisted he be released to go to church that Sunday. His doctor said no way. The man said, “You don’t understand, I never miss church!” The doctor said, “You must go to Lakewood…I’ll tell you what, I will release you for 3 hours. Just for church.” He showed up with his hospital bracelet! Man, talk about faithful! Boy did I had the big convicted label across my forehead. I know I was not the only one.  There were plenty of tears and tissues in the congregation!

What am I saying?  When we are about to give up, get bitter, complain or fall short, remember this one thing…in this life, sometimes you have to play through the pain. God rewards those people who do.    It’s one thing to do the right thing when all the conditions are ideal, but it's another thing to do the right thing in the midst of our own suffering. Those are the type people God looks for to bless!

Hope this blessed you the way it did me!


P.S. - If you loved this blog, find similar inspiration in my latest book Brunchspiration: A Quotable Devotional available on for $2.99!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Heart Condition

Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me - Psalm 51:10

Sometimes nothing else but the word of God will do. This morning while reading the  "My Daily Sanctuary" portion of my New Living Translation Bible, this scripture touched me in a profound way.  Many of us suffer from heart conditions. These heart conditions affect our walk, our purpose our ability to lead others to Christ.  Just like our physical hearts we can look great on the outside but suffer from infirmity.  We can show up for church, say the right things and obey all the spiritual laws; but if our hearts aren't right it poisons our offering. The inability to forgive, jealousy, fear, broken relationships, anger...can all "clog our arteries". Some, the result of our own life experiences, others generational.  Regardless, we need to ask God to search our hearts.  Even the kindest, sweetest, most loving people have heart conditions that may hinder God given purpose. I'm reminded of a dear friend who told me she'd led an elderly woman to Christ recently in the course of her job as a caregiver.  At the end of the day we should have this ultimate goal in mind, show people Jesus. To lead them to His love and salvation.  All that we are doing, the books, the blogs, the movies, the businesses should in some way glorify Him.  We can not do this successfully with heart conditions that are not acknowledged and healed.  God will reveal our heart conditions.  He will be our source of healing and in doing so release us to set others free.  To do so we must meditate on the word and expect to hear and receive from Him the deliverance we need.  We must remember to ask God, "Create in me a clean heart, renew a loyal spirit within me and restore to me the joy of your salvation." Psalm 51:10,12.  Hope this word blesses you today.

"Pray it forward"

Monday, September 3, 2012

Brunch Spotlight - Inspired Sistah founder Tangie Henry

Someone you should know...a place you need to go!

Tangie Henry, Founder of Inspired Sistah & host of the Inspired Sistah Courageous Woman Retreat

Tangie Henry - Center

BL: What inspires Tangie?
TH: I am inspired by God,  the Master Architect of creativity. The entire premise of what I do as Inspired Sistah is divinely inspired. But I'm also motivated by other women who overcome seemingly insurmountable odds to win and succeed in life. I admire people who can "take a licking and keep on ticking"!

BL: What does the phrase "gifted to inspire” mean?
TH: I believe one of the gifts I’ve been given from God is the ability to inspire women beyond their current circumstances. Whether it's through my words or my life.  I have the grace to inspire women to hope, purpose and action.

BL: What makes the Inspired Sistah experience so unique?
TH:  The Inspired Sistah experience is unique because, as an individual and as an entity, I offer relatability and genuineness. I absolutely love inspiring women and I genuinely care about the "internal success" of others. Often, people chase after "shiny objects" only to find that the organization or individual was not really interested in their well-being. On the contrary, I and everyone connected with Inspired Sistah have an authentic, vested interest in seeing women win in life.

BL: Tell us about your Pretty Power workshop.
TH: The "Pretty Power" workshops is derived from my interaction with women who were successful and "pretty" in their own right, but struggled with knowing how to balance the two. The term "pretty" is not used in the traditional sense. When a woman fully understands how to possess her "pretty," she can walk in her true God-given power. For example, one of the workshop titles is, "Say So!" During the workshop, we learn how to design a pretty lip, but then we talk about the power of our words and how we can use them to shape our world.

BL: What role model can you look at and say, “Now that is an Inspired Sistah?” Tell us why.
The first woman that comes to my mind is Michelle Obama. Not to sound cliché, but she appears to be a woman who knows how to fully possess all of who she is; yet submit to her husband's vision without conflict or competition. Our First Lady seems to be a woman who is deeply committed to her family and the well-being of others. Now that is an Inspired Sistah!

An "Inspired Sistah"
BL: How do you balance marriage (and everything else) with walking out your purpose? Is that what inspired , “Marriage ain’t for whimps?” Explain.
TH: “Marriage Ain’t for Wimps” was inspired by my frustration with seeing women be successful in every area of her life, but fail at her marriage. There’s this notion that a woman can’t be the CEO of her company and have happy, well-adjusted children and a loving marriage. I’m the first to admit that balancing marriage with interests outside of the home is very difficult, but it is also very doable. Personally, I have to keep in mind that my first ministry is at home. It would be hypocritical of me to “inspire women to live on top of the world” and neglect my home. I’m not saying that I have it all together, but I work very hard at it. I think it’s vitally important, however, that the spouses communicate about their goals and gain a mutual respect for each other’s desires. My husband and I have a saying, “One dream at a time.” So, while he was building his company, I pulled back, held down the fort at home and supported him; and vice versa.

BL:  You have stated false motives and hatin’ are strictly prohibited from your Inspired Sistah workshops. Why did you feel it was necessary to state this?
TH: One of my mandates as Inspired Sistah is to foster the bond of sisterhood. While that sounds good, it really can be a challenge. Unfortunately, there are a lot of women who have not had favorable experiences with other women; they have cultivated unhealthy attitudes. So instead of being supportive, they are divisive. They may show up at an event with the intent to “check out” other women and criticize and compare. So, I make the disclaimer up-front that this is not the environment for that. We foster a supportive environment where women genuinely care about one another. It’s an attitude that starts from the top down. I’m like that, the ladies on my team are like that and we emanate that attitude from the first hello to the last goodbye

BL: Tell us about your Inspired Sistah Retreat. What should attendees expect this year?
TH: The Inspired Sistah Retreats were started as an extension of my workshops. Each year we have a different theme. This year, the theme is The Courageous Woman Retreat: Living Fearless and Free. It will take place in Madison, GA (1 hr. east of Atlanta), September 21st-23rd, 2012. In general, the Inspired Sistah retreats are opportunities for women to invest time in being renewed from the inside out. We laugh, we cry, we pray, we play. The setting is always intimate and we offer different workshops centered around the theme that allow women to really receive the refreshing that they need in order to continue on their journey of greatness. What’s unique about the retreat is that we lay aside all pretention and fluff and we just love on each other and foster an unbreakable bond. For some women, it is a little unnerving at first because they may not be use to that type of interaction. But by the end of our time together, they are undeniably affected in a positive way and are grateful for the experience. To learn more about Inspired Sistah Retreats, you can visit:

BL: Tell us about your book 30 Days to a More Powerful You. When and where can readers purchase it?
TH: “30 Days to a More Powerful You: Inspired Sistah Style” is my book that came about as an extension of my blog. The book is a 30 Day Devotional broken down into four weeks with four categories: Self-Examination, Self-Acceptance, Self-Image, and Self-Love. The devotionals are short, they begin with a scripture and they end with a positive affirmation for the day. It also has an accompanying journal so that you can deepen your experience for that week. It’s a book designed for any sistah who wants to continue on her journey of self-improvement. I believe we all constantly evolve and never really arrive. And the book is just one tool on that journey. An autographed copy can be purchased on my website: and a digital copy is available at

BL: What is your favorite Inspired Sistah Quote/FB post?
TH: My favorite Inspired Sistah quote is, “I’m not your competition; I’m your sister.”

Tangie Henry

Learn more about Tangie Henry at Pssst! We also think she's a fabulous...
Brunch Lady!

Copyright(c) Norma L. Jarrett. All rights reserved.