Wednesday, April 16, 2014

God, I'm Confused

Photo by Ohmega1982 at
Sometimes the access to information can be like a two edged sword. We are so inundated with advice from life coaches, authors, social media experts it’s no wonder we are confused. Although the Bible says, “He is not the author of confusion,” it’s okay to admit we may feel lost and overwhelmed when it comes to our gifting and purpose. Side note: He is not the author of confusion; it’s us and our need to read every post, blog, email and book! I’m guilty. I have always been a lover of information. Very early on in my life I read self-help books on just about every subject you could image. Some of my favorites include: Having What matters by Monique Greenwood, The Gospel of Good Success by KirbyJon Caldwell, You Deserve Healthy Love by Dr. Grace Cornish, Produced by Faith by Devon Franklin and many, many others (these are my throwbacks – smile). When I find something good I love to share it! However, I have found that social media has taken things to another level! When we read too much, talk to too many people and seek too much advice, we tend to lose confidence in our natural gifts; talents and instinct (stay with me).
We all have to grow. We all need mentors. We all need to “sharpen our toolbox” but not at the expense of our foundational wisdom such as our:
  • Ability to hear God’s voice and listen
  • Ability to give time to the study of the word of God
  • Ability to recognize and acknowledge our current season
  • Ability to recognize our true passion and how to translate that passion into purpose 

So, with access to all this information, how do we remain balanced and focused concerning our unique assignments? I’m so glad you asked! We need to stay plugged in to God, the Word and His voice. It’s simple…when we seek God for these answers guess what? HE ANSWERS! When we are consistent in our time with Him, He leads us to the right resources, conferences and industry experts. When we seek and depend on Him He lets us know when the time is up for a certain season. And after He’s fed us enough, He steps back and allows us to bloom where we are planted.
Recently confirmation on this issue came from watching Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer. I have followed her teaching for many years. She is so consistent. She spoke about her call as a teacher. She said she realized she was not called to pastor. That was not her passion. She was called to teach and that’s what she does. I also recently read a wonderful blog by Heather Lindsey where she shared all the sacrifice and time spent with God to discover His will concerning her calling. I’m not saying we do not need the wisdom and resources that relate to our respective industries. That would be silly. I’m merely stating in order to decide which resources, mentors or gifts we are to use in what way in any season is a God question. He may speak through life coaches, the Holy Spirit, secular motivational speakers or any other way He can make the message and instructions relatable but it starts with the gift giver! When you spend time with God, things get clear: the gift, the plan, the season. 
In that same spirit, I had to recognize why I was not as passionate about the writing industry. I realized God wanted me to really pay attention to what it was I truly loved about the books I’d written and I discovered:
  • I loved celebrating sister-friends. Why? Because my sister friends have gotten me through a lot. They are true gifts and I want other women to feel connected and loved!
  • I love encouraging women. I’m not a life coach but everyone needs a dose of inspiration!
  • I love exposing the “hidden gems” of the earth and helping them to understand self worth.
  • I love that God wants us to have a great life, prosper and be in good health, even as our very souls prosper!
  • I love writing…not just books but blogs and translating my work to other media.
  • I love bringing together my sister friends to celebrate and be celebrated.
  • I love encouraging other women to tell their story  

Once I was honest about my true passion, I felt free to dream bigger. So yes, I’m writing more brunch books and other novels. Yes, I’m developing my Brunch Lady brand. Yes, I’m building a brand around my true passions. Yes I'm writing non-fiction.  I also realize I’m not here to serve everybody! God has prearranged the benefactors of our gifts. So as I am led by the Spirit of God, I'm taking the limits off my thinking with increased perception to His plan.  As I executive His plan, my goal is not perfection, it's a growth process.  I will allow God to challenge me.
I encourage you to make God your priority. I may not be the face of my brand (unless God says otherwise – smile). However I want to embody the characteristics of those things I am most passionate about. Passion and purpose do not come in a box. It is a series of actions, decisions, choices, investments and the sheer bravery that comes from being yourself and recognizing the worth in what you have to offer. Promotion comes after we master the little bit in our hand. In the meantime we must stretch and grow, but give ourselves room for imperfection and become pliable. As long as we are consistent, the doors will open, resources will flow and God will speak! Will it always be easy? Heck no! Will we need to press sometimes? Yep. Will we hurt, get tired, want to give up, feel lost, fail tests and feel alone…uh-huh. Why? Only God is perfect! But on the other side of those growth experiences we will experience: victory, success, breakthroughs and confirmation from God that we are most certainly in the right lane (s). So, hear me and here me well, when you start to feel confused and overwhelmed, take an information break. Assess what you have been “feeding on”. Power down and power up with God!
Norma L. Jarrett
Author and Chief Inspiration Office (CIO
Life God’s Life Beautifully!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Catching up! Meet a new author...

Hope all is well. Authors are creative people and we are a community. Today's post is part of an author connect hoping to give you a little update on my latest project and possibly introduce you to a new author friend :). So here it goes.

What am I working on Next?

My next project is Bridal Brunch. The 3rd fiction book in my beloved Sunday Brunch Series. You first met my besties (in my head) Lexi, Jewel, Capri, Jermane and Angel. Five women lawyers who are each at different places personally, professionally and spiritually! It has been a journey! Sunday Brunch is a celebration of friendship, faith, love, romance, fashion and all those things that ladies love. These women were inspired by some of my real life friends I met in law school circa (eh-um). In the second novel, Sunday Brunch Diaries, the women begin to mature in life with marriage and more life tests! If you are familiar with my writing you understand that it always has a dash of encouragement and inspiration. So with Bridal Brunch, the journey continues with our favorite character Jewel!

Jewel is a former lawyer turned owner and events coordinator of Fabulous Jewels Events...with Events that Sparkle like Diamonds! Jewel finally hears those words that any events planner dreams of "MONEY IS NO OBJECT" . Her infamous client is none other than her walking disaster turned diva sorority sister and college protege' McKenzie Myles. She has tapped Jewel to coordinate her LA based nuptials to her plastic surgeon fiance'. Soon Jewel gets caught up in the glamorous world of the couple, questioning her own life choices. However, she soon realizes the million dollar client she'd begged God for is a huge test. (Be careful what you ask for - smile)

Can Jewel deliver the dream wedding in spite of a groom that's clearly crushing on her and an approval addicted bride? Can she over look the A-list treatment, lavish gifts and risk the potential huge check to do the right thing? Only time will tell.

Bridal Brunch (May 2014) - The Girls are Back!

How does my work differ from others of its genre? 

I love writing about women. Positive, yet flawed women. I love celebrating friendship and I love my characters to inspire and encourage. Many of my books, especially the brunch series, are meant to be relatable. I want readers to say to themselves,  "I have so been there!" I also like to write characters that have really honest and sometimes funny conversations with God.  Because that's how I talk to Him on a regular basis!

Why do I write what I do?

I believe it's my calling. I'm still continuing to grow and listen to God for more direction. I love writing but I believe it's a catalyst for some other groundbreaking ventures I'll tap into over the next few years. I love celebrating positive women. I especially love to encourage and motivate what I call the "hidden gems" because I was one of those women. I had no idea what my purpose was and God used writing to build my confidence and help me to understand how special I was to Him. There is so much negativity in the world. Our images suffer greatly and I would hope that my books give a different picture.  Lastly, I want to bring women together to celebrate life, love and literature!  I want my books/ventures to be one big purpose party! So look out for my Brunch Lady venture!

How does my writing process work?

Hmmm. I'm kind of random but working on it. I journal...a lot. I utilize outlines and notecards. I'm led by the character or a great story idea, then I just write.

So enough about me...I want you to meet my writing sister Dr. Vivi Monroe-Congress! She has a refreshing spirit and several fabulous bold fictions reads.  My favorite is the Bankrupt Spirit but her latest release is No Conditions.

Norma L. Jarrett