Monday, June 24, 2013

Big Things in Little Packages

Why the extra mile is worth it...

I first became an author during the pre-Facebook/Twitter (Shhh!) era. Books were sold face to face, out of the trunk, by word of mouth, indie bookstores, churches, beauty shops wherever an audience could be found. I was PR agent, travel coordinator, distributor…all of the above (well it’s still like that today - authors you feel me). I set up a book tour in Atlanta. My first novel Sunday Brunch was picking up steam. It was a team of two (God and I). It was branding before branding became sexy. Now I didn’t know many people but God did. So I followed His instructions and just believed! After several phone calls I managed to set up an interview on V103 (Because one of the D.J.’s loved the concept of Sunday Brunch); booksignings at Justin’s (former restaurant owned by Sean Combs, Puff Daddy, Diddy - you pick one), an independent bookstore and some other hot spot that’s now closed.

I was excited and looking forward to my “first class” Atlanta tour stop (My brother was the driver and his apartment was my lodging - smile). I was motivated and fired up, especially after I was ushered into the radio station like I was a celebrity to do a radio interview. My enthusiasm waned once I got to the indie bookstore. I discovered a nice table waiting for me…outside to wave people down at lunch time to sell books. Really God?

I sighed inward, put on a smile and went to work. As the foot traffic slowed I was about to shut it down when something inside said not just yet. So a few minutes later a larger man in a very nice suit walked by. He went inside and stepped right back out. He picked up a copy of my book read the back then let me do my elevator pitch. He smiled and said, "I’ll purchase a copy." As I was about to sign the book I saw something was familiar about his face. Finally it dawned on me, “You’re Maynard Jackson, the first African-American  Mayor of Atlanta!” He smiled again and shook his head. (So, I’m a little slow sometimes)

After he purchased the book we talked. He was as generous with his advice (including how to fold my flyer) as with his candor and smile. I received it all. Then God hit me over the head with the final blessing.  He said, “My wife is launching a talk show and the event is tonight and I’d love for you to come. All of the media will be there.” Okay so I’m thinking, “You don’t have to ask me twice, I’m so there. Just let me call my chauffeur, I mean my brother!”

I made it back to my brother’s apartment, changed clothes and he was my official escort for the night. It was a great networking opportunity and we had a great time. It has been one of my best memories to date. I learned several things that day:
  • Never underestimate humble beginnings, things that look small often turn out big  
  • Go the extra mile and not to throw in the towel too soon
  • God will take you places and introduce you to people you’d never meet in the name of His purpose
  • Take bold steps and believe God will go before you 
  • Be discerning, open, God led and obedient
  • Always look for the, "So this is the reason I came" moment
I write this as a reminder of the things God has done when I have stepped out in faith. Sometimes we go through so much in our purpose journey we lose that fire. If God did it once, He can do it again. Our past success is only a catalyst for the future. God is ready for us to climb higher, do more and pursue new levels of purpose. Be renewed, refreshed and ready to stretch. R.I.P. Maynard Jackson (1938 - 2003). Thank you for that seed of encouragement you sowed in my life that day.  It has produced a lifetime harvest.

Live God’s Life Beautifully…
Norma L. Jarrett

Author & Creator of Brunch Lady
and thank you for the seeds you planted in my spirit that day!