Monday, May 28, 2012

God, can I quit my day job?

Don't  you just love God?  He gives us these big visions and sets us a sail!  Real talk? Very few people can afford to quit their day job and jump on the purpose bandwagon.  There are some exceptions.  Nothing like a lay off to launch you into purpose!  When it comes to purpose the "day job dilemma" dictates an exercise in discernment.  Prayer and a plan come in handy! There's  not a one size fits all formula.  Take Sara Blakely, the self made billionaire inventor of Spanx.  She was on her way to law school until she failed the LSAT, a standardized test for law school admission.  She went to work for a company and soon she came up with the idea for Spanx.  She didn't quit her day job until two years later.  In the meantime she kept her vision from her colleagues and worked meticulously nights and weekends on her product.  Hers was a mega success story.  Who knows what God has in store for your vision, but timing and planning are key.  Here are a few things to consider concerning the transition:

  • Pray, plan and seek God's provision regarding your passion. 
  • Exercise discretion. You will need a mastermind and spiritual team; but sharing plans with the wrong person can damage potential.  
  • Develop patience.  God has a process. He's just as concerned about the person as the promise.You may think you are ready but only He knows what's required for the journey.
  • Study and show yourself approved.  Become spiritually sharp and industry savvy.  It's a powerful combination.
  • Pay someone to do what you can't; or do it yourself until you can afford to. If it is critical to your success, God has to meet the need.
  • Manage your time well.  There are only so many hours to work, eat, sleep, and spend time with family.  You will have to make some tough choices and sacrifices. 
  • Honor your 9-to-5.  God will not be pleased if you don't.  I know, I know, He expects a lot.  To whom much is given, much is required.
  • Don't be all over the place. Your vision requires laser focus.  If it is not clear, spend more time in prayer and fasting.
  • Get a vision coach and a success circle.  People who have been there, done that and willing to share. 
  • Don't get ahead of yourself. Who wants a half baked cake or a half written book? Think about it.
Your vision/purpose is personal.  Don't look to everyone else for all the answers. The system is designed for you to totally depend on God for that.  If you are in constant communication with Him and take consistent, faithful action steps, He will direct you concerning people, resources and timing.  Ultimately He will be unequivocal about what He wants and just have to be ready for it!
Peace & Blessing -NJY
Author, Eternal Blogger & Founder of Brunch Lady B & L

Friday, May 25, 2012

Blessings that Count

     The lyrics of Blessed by Jill Scott seem simple, yet profound.  Blessed is a reminder, an anthem, a personal “amen chorus”.  It sounds somewhat cliché but it is the little things in life that bring the most satisfaction; if we take time out to appreciate them. The more we acknowledge our gratitude, the more fulfilled we are.
     Blessed like many of Jill Scott’s songs rings with testimony.  It was as if she just rolled out the bed and the brilliance of  God gleaming sunlight beckoned her name.  It was as if that sun anointed her “alive” and came down to kiss her sleeping child.  And suddenly her spirit spoke the words─so blessed. It was like she awoke in a familiar place; in a generous bed with an eyelet spread and once again her spirit utteredso blessed.  The smell of crackling bacon, strong coffee brewing, and thick buttered biscuits had her thinking again.  I’m so blessed.  And soon she sat barefoot at a familiar table anticipating a home cooked meal with homegrown friends.  At that moment she sighed and said, “I’m so blessed.”   And soon, the woman with the infectious smile paused to write infectious lyrics to an infectious song. Blessed was her “breath” of thanks.
     Who knows when and how her muse really arrived. But Blessed is a life pause to inspire an “in the moment” account of one’s own blessings. When we sing the lyrics we confess, “Yeah, I woke this morning feeling fresh to death…”  Although we may not feel that way, by the end of the song we do!  Truth moment: We too can pull away the curtain to bask in our own sun drenched joy.  But often, “The greatest act of faith some days is to get up and face another day.”  (Amy Gatliff)   So thank you Ms. Scott.  For in a matter of 59 minutes and 18 seconds Blessed has made its way into our cars, headsets and homes. To remind us in song of a familiar verse:

…whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things Phil 4:8

Norma L. Jarrett, Author/Blogger 4Life

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Beauty for Our Ashes

Author's Maternal Grandmother
Celebrating Three Mothers

God our creator made provision for the broken pieces of our lives.  Regardless of how good we think we are, our lives are affected in some way by brokenness (ours or someone elses).  He made a promise to give us “beauty for our ashes” (Isaiah 61:3).  Reading that scripture several times should make us jump up and down, do the one woman (or man) wave, a cartwheel and dance.  Perhaps you don’t understand.   We’re talking: 

  • Joy for mourning 
  • Freedom from bondage
  • A way of escape we can bear
  • Healing for families
  • Restoration for our loss
  • Confidence in place of insecurity

Author's mother with author and her sister
In the Bible times, it was the custom for people mourning or in great difficulty to lie in ashes.   Can you imagine?  You already felt bad, but to be buried under a pile of stinky, sooty ashes?  I guess it’s like when we’re depressed and refuse to leave the house.  We lie around in our robes eating high calorie junk food, watching pathetic movies.  How on earth are we to feel better in those conditions? We need to turn it over to the Lord.  Some brokenness is not our fault.  It may be generational.  When my maternal grandmother gave birth to my mother she died within a week.  Her husband did not want to take care of my mother.   It was very tragic.  My mother was raised by a loving aunt and uncle.  However the pain (spirit) of rejection never left.  She would speak about it like the aching was still fresh in her heart.  For many years that spirit of rejection caused bouts of depression.  That same spirit was destined to pass to me BUT FOR GOD! When I came to develop a personal relationship with Christ I was set free.  It didn’t happen quickly but over a period of years.  God makes everything beautiful in its time (Ecclesiastes 3:11). Within those years I studied the word and walked closely with God.  I allowed Him to break strongholds, mold and deliver me.  It wasn’t pretty! That close relationship gave birth to a series of events and eventually I wrote my novel Sweet Magnolia. It turned out to be an Essence National Book Club selection with a full page article in the magazine.  God took generational pain and turned it into purpose.  Sweet Magnolia was one of the most difficult books I have had to write because it took me through a healing process.  I used my mother’s story as an inspiration.  In addition, it helped me grieve my mother’s loss (she passed in my twenties but it was like grieving again).  I’m certain God made Sweet Magnolia so prominent for His purpose.  He wanted to touch and deliver readers!   Unfortunate circumstances are in everyone’s life.  However, God can use it for His gloryHe doesn’t waste a thing.  When I think of beauty for ashes the awesome testimony of Israel Houghton also comes to mind.  Israel is known all over the world for his music ministry.  He’s won many souls, awards and sold millions of records.  Israel is also one of the music ministers at my church Lakewood, where Joel Osteen is Pastor.   Israel was born to a teenage mother.  She was White and his real father was Black. Her parents threatened her and she left home.  While eight months pregnant she was walking down the street in L.A.  A woman jumped out of a car and handed her a Bible.  As she read through it, she kept coming upon the word Israel.  When she gave birth, Israel was the name she gave her son. His mother gave her life to Christ; eventually married a Pastor and blessed many people through ministry!  God traded her beauty for ashes and blessed her seed.  Israel grew up to minister to the masses through the gift of music!  God didn’t leave Israel’s mother to lie in ashes.  God can transform the ashes in your life to beauty.  It doesn’t mean there are no consequences to some of our actions.  It does not mean we don’t do the best we can to be obedient to His word.  But in unfortunate circumstances, God can transform tragedies to triumphs. 

Blessings and Happy Mother's Day
Norma L. Jarrett, Author &
Founder of Brunch Lady Books & Lifestyle (BLBL)